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Let's Get Your Build Started!

At Build Buddy, you are 'Always in Control, Never Alone'. So, let's talk you through how we are help to help you through your build journey.

How To Use Our Platform - Task view.

Your Tasks

We have generated your workflow based on the details provided upon sign-up. Tasks will automatically appear, as needed, to take you step-by-step through the entire building journey. These tasks have been broken down into bite-sized chunks to make them easy to understand and easy to action. Your 'tasks' section will guide you through your entire build journey by telling you:

  • What you need to do
  • When you need to do it
  • How you will do it 
  • Who will do it
  • the People who will do it

Each task contains information to ensure you know exactly what to do at every stage of your build. Your tasks are a crucial part of your builds progression as it keeps everything for each job in one place and statuses to help you know where you are along your journey. Once you complete a task, a new task will automatically generate. Your tasks will always be available and easy to access, in a view that suits you.

How To Use Our Platform - Task view.
How To Use Our Platform - Task view.

Task View


In the description tab, you will be able to see the full description of the task that you would require for building your home.

The description of each task that you have on your dashboard will be specific to the nature of the task itself. 

To help you understand the task, there will be educational videos to help explain what the task is about.

Specifications and Variations

Under the Scope of Works tab, you will find specifications which is a detailed overview of all the required jobs under that task. 

If there are further things about the task that your contractor deem necessary,  under variations they will propose a variation of the jobs and will quote you a specific amount. 

You will then be able to accept or reject it as necessary.


In this tab, you will find all the quotes that are sent to you by your contractor. You will be able to approve or reject them according to your needs. 


In the Documents tab, you will be able to upload and view all the documents relating to the specific task. This will help you organise all the important things.

How To Use Our Platform - Customised reporting.


The dashboard is your control centre. It has been created to be quick and easy to navigate and helps you manage your build from one convenient place.Your dashboard is equipped with tools to assist you throughout your journey. This includes:

  • Overview of your active tasks: This will show you all your active tasks and flag anything that needs your attention
  • Budget details: this will track the amount your have paid, the amount of money you have committed to spend and the amount due. It will also flag if you have gone over budget. The dashboard will also track how much money you are saving
  • Estimated completion date: This will allow you to see when your build is expected to be completed. It will adjust throughout the project depending on your workflow
  • Stage breakdown: This will show you the amount of tasks involved in each stage. It will also display how far you have progressed through each stage, and how far you are from completing the build
How To Use Our Platform - Customised reporting.

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