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Maria & David

Project: New Home

Located: North Sydney NSW

Joined Build Buddy: August 2024

Main Reason for Joining: Their builder lost their licence and they wanter to continue building their home on their terms.

We should have gone with Build Buddy from the start ...

David and Maria initially began their home build with a traditional builder. However, after reaching the frame stage, their builder lost its licence, leaving them at a crossroad. Faced with expensive quotes from other builders to continue building their home, they opted to take control of their project as owner-builders.

Maria and David had been introduced to Build Buddy two years ago at the Sydney Home Show, but at the time, they had already decided to proceed with a builder. After their builder had lost their licence, they began researching resources for owner-builders and rediscovered Build Buddy - a decision that has since transformed their building experience.

What has been the biggest difference between Build Buddy and a traditional building company

David and Maria enjoys the flexibility and control that Build Buddy offers over traditional building companies. David noted that there was a "silver lining in the whole saga of having a builder not being available anymore..." and that with Build Buddy, they've been able to tweak their "design and make a few changes that wouldn't have been easily possible with the with the previous builder".

Maria added to that, that now they could handle defects which a traditional builder might miss or gloss over. "It's about control and flexibility, specifically around managing defects and things that we feel might be overseen by a traditional builder."

Do you feel supported and guided by the app on your journey so far?

David found the Gantt-style task view in the Build Buddy app helpful for the sequencing of tasks and understanding the order of events in the building process. This tool provided clarity and has helped them manage their home project more effectively. 

Additionally, both Maria and David highly value the support from their dedicated Tier 2 Construction Buddy, Steve, who has provided general guidance and assistance throughout their building journey thus far.

You need to have Build Buddy.

As David says, their overall experience with Build Buddy has been proven quite helpful so far due to features like Gantt Chart style task view, support by the Construction Buddy, easy quote requests and engagement with trades and consultants all in one platform.


See Others Have To Say


Gold Coast QLD

I wholeheartedly receommend Build Buddy ... It's an excellent choice

Haneesha & Ravi

Western Sydney NSW

Build Buddy has been instrumental in our building journey.

Hui & Han

Sydney Northern Beaches NSW

The app provides clear guidance, making it easy to navigate.


Western Sydney NSW

The support from Build Buddy has made a significant difference

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